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Created by: Stargem Games
Game Site: Star Conflict
ESRB Rating: Not Rated
Support: info@stargem-games.com or Gaijin Support
Hellcat5 Connect: Star Conflict Profile || Hellcat5 on Steam
I started playing star conflict back towards the end of april of 2017. Since then I’ve spent 678 hours playing the game. When I started out, I had a hard time finding solid resources for playing the game, and the information I read seemed mostly outdated or poorly written. In fact, it wasn’t until I started playing the game that I actually understood what genre Star Conflict gameplay fits. I wrote about that here: Star Conflict – Moving up in Space Moba
After having read the old wiki “about” section for star conflict, I quickly ascertained that no one has been able to clearly explain the gameplay in terms of genre or relative games, so I wrote a new introduction paragraph on the wiki so that people can get a better idea of what Star Conflict core gameplay is like: Hellcat5’s revised wiki about section you can check the history of the wiki front page to see exactly what I did.
Other players have more hours than I have. Some might think they’re more qualified to write guides about the game than I. But, hours spent doing something doesn’t make one more qualified to teach others. Having a higher pilot rating or more efficiency points doesn’t make someone more qualified. Someone can take a destroyer with maxed out modules using g’thar’du into pve to make their pilot rating go up. Same thing regarding efficiency points in battle. Again, it’s easier to get high efficiency playing a maxed out, best in slot, destroyer than it is to play an interceptor or fighter (unless you’re playing the tai’kin or thar’ga). That’s one of Rules: if you don’t know the exception to the rule, you don’t fully understand the rule.
I am the exception to the rule “a player must have x amount of hours in game and own all the rank 15 manufacturable ships (some players tell me they call them secret projects at one point) to fully understand the gameplay.” Am I special? No. Other people with similar gaming experience as myself could see what I’ve discerned. In fact, I’m less than special because I’m not an amazing flyer. I have bad reflexes. Does my lack of physical ability detract from my ability to completely understand and be able to convey to others how Star Conflict teamplay and gameplay works? Does a general in the army have to be the best shot of all his men to lead them? No. And I’m certainly not a general, but you get the idea.
So what did I figure out? Star Conflict is not an MMO RPG, yet many of the players have the MMO RPG mindset that they must have the top ship with top gear. But, that just doesn’t work with Star Conflict. Star Conflict is a space MOBA. If you’ve played League of Legends, Dota 2, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, or other similar games, then you’ll understand what I talk about in this article: Star Conflict – connecting the dots for people who’ve played league of legends or other moba games If you’ve never played any of these games, maybe you should so you can gain a foundation from which to better understand Star Conflict teamplay.
I’ve had guides thrust at me, which I’ve not read through yet due to wanting to create this guide without any cloudy muck from past guides, or poorly formulated ideas. If you’re reading this and you’ve written a guide for Star Conflict in the past, I’m not saying your guide is bad. I don’t know. I’ve not read it yet. I will say if you spend much time in your guide talking about story elements or explaining the concept for why a certain faction has a specific attribute, you’ve clouded the issue, written with too broad a scope.
If you think that Star Conflict is a third person space shooter (I think that’s how the wiki about section classified it before) you don’t have enough experience with the different genres of online games to clearly denote what genre Star Conflict’s core gameplay fits. Confusing though it is, I will say that third person and first person shooters today seem to be incorporating more elements of RPG and MOBA, but they don’t have enough of these elements to take them fully into the RPG or MOBA genre. Star Conflict is a space MOBA.
The lack of a well-defined statement of gameplay (at least in English) is core to these poorly formulated guides that might leave the new player going, “wtf did I just read?” Without a clear statement of gameplay, this brings players to try to define Star Conflict gameplay based on their personal gaming experience. And you have the players who try to put themselves into a position of knowing just by saying, “oh, you can’t understand because you’re not max rank, and you don’t have x amount of hours like I do, and you don’t have the customizable ships,” etc. But, if you ask those players solid questions about the structure of gameplay, they can’t answer. But, more often than not, will try to convince you that they answered your question and that no one has a better answer. This creates a bigger gap to bridge toward establishing a well-defined statement of gameplay.
I’ve started three video series regarding Star Conflict. The first covers a series of simple build and gameplay guides to successfully win playing the pve mission Defense Contract:
The Second covers daily contracts through which you can gain a variety of ship crafting resources:
The third covers gameplay tips:
Over the next few weeks, I plan to clarify the statement of gameplay through my guides, and I plan to continue to add new guides going forward.
when you get blown up, remember to scream.
Click Here to go to the Post on the Official Star Conflict forums.
Star Conflict: Connecting the Dots for People Who’ve Played League of Legends (or other MOBA games)
Star Conflict: How to Level Ship Mods Quickly and Free
Core Resources:
- Hellcat5’s Guide to Star Conflict
- Cache Contents List (available cache drops change weekly)
- Cache Contents List – from Wiki
- Official Wiki
Community Resources:
- Guides Index
- Re-organizing Forum Topics for New Players
- Official Forums
- r/StarConflict/ – Star Conflict on reddit