Warframe: Eidolons Easily or Trinity or Oberon Only?

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Yet another tumbler of a tale, the stories I’ve heard about what’s necessary to successfully do all three Eidolons. In this article I’ll cut down to the meat and bones of Eidolon hunting – what you need versus what others might have told you the requirements are. To do quick runs, possibly getting two full runs in one night cycle, you’ll need the archwing launcher in your gear wheel.

archwing launcher in gear wheel

To obtain the archwing launcher segment, join a clan, and access the dojo’s Tenno Lab menu.

tenno lab

tenno lab menu

I suggest you have a look through the warframe Augment mods to see what your frame might have that could benefit the party, such as Smite Infusion for Oberon or Shock Trooper for Volt. Thanks to Arogorth for bringing this point to mind.

Upon entering the Plains of Eidolon at night, to begin the Eidolon hunt, search for at least two Eidolon Lures. The first Eidolon, Teralyst, only requires two charged lures to capture it. To charge the lures, shoot and kill vomvalysts near the lures. The Vomvalysts have two forms, so make sure you kill both forms to energize the lures, and when stopping them from healing the Eidolon.

Vomvalyst first form:

vomvalyst first form

Vomvalyst second form:

vomvalyst second form

Your Eidolon Lure icons will turn blue once you’ve charged them. After you’ve charged your Eidolon Lures, then you can work on capturing your Eidolon. To start this process, you need to remove the Eidolon’s shields. Do this with the operator’s amp. If you’ve not charged your lures, then the Eidolon will run after you destroy one of its appendages, thereby costing your team time and or more archwing launchers.

It doesn’t matter what part of the Eidolon you shoot when taking down the shields with the amp. If you see blue numbers coming off the Eidolon instead of grey zeroes, then you’re shooting a valid point on the Eidolon to damage the shields. You can see the shields remaining in the purple bar in the image below.


After you take out the shields, you want to switch over to one of your Warframe weapons to work on a specific joint in the Eidolon. Teammates should co-ordinate this effort so everyone shoots the same joint to make the Eidolon Capture go fast. Otherwise, you can waste a huge amount of time here without team coordination. Shoot the same Eidolon joint. This is one of the biggest stop points for Eidolon runs. If you have a 4 person squad, you don’t need a critulous Riven mod on your weapon of choice, although you definitely want to have your weapon Orokin Catalyst installed, and maybe a few forma. I suggest you check out warframe-builder.com in the links below for a build specific to your weapon, or at least to give you ideas for how to build.

Eidolon Joint Shot:

armor shot

Teralyst has four joints to destroy, then ultimately the head. You need at least two fully charged Eidolon Lures to capture it. Click the link to learn more about the Teralyst’s skillset.

Gantulyst has 6 joints to destroy, then ultimately the head. You need at least three fully charged Eidolon Lures to capture it. yes, I said it twice because why not save time and just copy paste? Click the link to learn more about the Gantulust’s skillset.

Hydrolyst likewise has 6 joints to destroy, then shoot it in the eyeballs. You also need at least three fully charged Eidolon Lures to capture it. Click the link to learn more about the Hydrolyst’s skillset.

Summoning the Gantulyst and Hydrolyst
Once you’ve defeated the Teralyst, you’ll need to summon the other two Eidolons. To do this, be sure to pick up the Eidolon Shards after the Eidolon Boss Disappears then drops loot.

eidolon shards

Next, find the Summoning Platform in the middle of Gara Toht Lake:

gara toht lake

Place your shard by pressing x:

shard placement

Let the summoning begin:


How to Survive or Void Walk OP
So you watched a video that showed a team composition with Harrow, Chroma, Trinity, and Volt, and it said that comp is what you should use. Well, maybe, depending on current state of the meta they’re right. But, they’re far from right about what WORKS to successfully and quickly get Eidolons done. The only essential warframes are either Trinity, Oberon, or Limbo with his Banish skill augmented with Haven to heal the Eidolon Lures. After that, just use whatever your best frame is, or what compliments the group the most if you’re playing with friends, and bring your biggest damage weapon. If you all shoot the same joint, kill the vomvalysts, and use void walk to avoid Eidolon skills, you’ll be able to to finish with time to spare.

So, what’s all the talk about Harrow? Harrow has the ability to nullify incoming damage to the party if everyone is close enough to him. This eliminates the necessity of having to run away from the Eidolon when it uses some of its skills. However, there’s a much easier alternative. When the Eidolon sound and animations play their tells (tells are what lets you know it’s going to use this or that skill depending on movement and sound) just go into Void Walk using your operator. To enter void walk while using the operator, press [ctrl] on the keyboard.

Yes, it’s that simple. You can dodge so much damage, and learn to time the waves of damage to where you don’t need to hold the [ctrl] key down during the entire skill, but only during the damaging waves. You can walk up and heal your teammates who’ve not read this, and walk away in the middle of massive destruction, leaving them scratching their heads.

Steps for Capturing Eidolons
To recap, I’ll give you a little list of steps here that I’ve covered in detail in the article.

  1. Archwing Launchers are a must on the gear wheel for fast travel.
  2. get Eidolon Lures then charge them first.
  3. be sure you have enough lures to capture the Eidolon depending on what tier it is.
  4. use your operator and amp to take out the eidolon shields. You can shoot almost anywhere on the Eidolon to drop shields.
  5. Focus fire on the same Eidolon Joint to take it down fast. THIS IS THE BIGGEST FAILURE AREA. COORDINATE FIRE.
  6. Kill all Vomvalysts racing to heal the Eidolon or restore its shields. Just kill them.
  7. Collect the Eidolon loot drops to get the Eidolon Shards to summon the next tier of Eidolon
  8. Use void walk while using the operator to dodge the Eidolon’s skills.
  9. No, you don’t need Harrow. No, you don’t need Volt’s shields. I don’t care what grand master pubah said.

Comment below what crazy party combination you used to take down the Eidolons. I hope I’ve helped you gain mastery over capturing Eidolons. If you learned something, please share this with your friends.

captured eidolon

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